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Ronald Reagan: Remarks at the White House Correspondents' Dinner - April 25, 1981

Full Transcript

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:00:00-00:00:06 (6.44 sec)
Mr. President, this is Bob Pierpoint at the podium.

Ronald Reagan

00:00:06-00:00:12 (6.4 sec)
[Via Telephone] Bob, I hope you don't mind, but David Stockman is making me call collect. [Laughter]

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:00:12-00:00:31 (18.28 sec)
Well, I do mind, Mr. President, but he's a hard man to talk out of it, so we'll take the call. The President [laughing]. Okay. Well, I'm happy to be speaking to the White House correspondents' spring prom. [Laughter] I'm sorry that I can't be there in person.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:00:31-00:00:33 (2.68 sec)
We're very sorry you can't also, Mr. President.

Ronald Reagan

00:00:33-00:00:59 (26.16 sec)
Well, I'm up at Camp David. We're getting a little used to it now, but I have to tell you the first time I came to this place, to Camp David, Ed Meese sewed nametags in all my undershorts and T-shirts. [Laughter] But, Bob, I'm sure your fellow correspondents have already praised you or will soon do so for your year in office.

Ronald Reagan

00:00:59-00:01:10 (10.04 sec)
Mark Twain is supposed to have said there's nothing harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example, and you certainly have been that to the White House press corps.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:01:10-00:01:12 (2.2 sec)
Thank you, Mr. President.

Ronald Reagan

00:01:12-00:01:15 (3.32 sec)
I know that Cliff Evans must be there somewhere.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:01:15-00:01:16 (0.52 sec)

Ronald Reagan

00:01:16-00:01:27 (11.36 sec)
And, Cliff, let me send my congratulations to you as one new president to another. If you enjoy your office as much as I do mine, you'll be a very happy and fulfilled man.

Cliff Evans

00:01:27-00:01:46 (18.96 sec)
Well, you stay well, Mr. President, and we'll take care of the pressroom, Pierpoint and I and all of my colleagues. Stay well.

Ronald Reagan

00:01:46-00:01:55 (9.52 sec)
Okay. If I could give you just one little bit of advice, when somebody tells you to get in a car quick, do it. [Laughter]

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:01:55-00:02:00 (4.56 sec)
Mr. President, we know now that you are really recovering. You sound terrific.

Ronald Reagan

00:02:00-00:02:05 (4.92 sec)
[Laughing] Well, I am. believe me, well on the road and feeling just fine.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:02:05-00:02:25 (20.2 sec)
That's wonderful. Well, let me tell you, Mr. President, there are about -- well, over 1,800 people assembled in this room tonight listening to you. And I told the Vice President that they are actually here for him, but you know the truth. [Laughter] We all hoped that you would make it. We well understand that you could not.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:02:25-00:02:45 (19.6 sec)
Among these people are many of your Cabinet Secretaries. There's only really one that I think is very noticeable by his absence. I haven't seen Secretary Haig. I wondered if you've been watching television tonight. We are a little worried who's in the Situation Room and who's in control. [Laughter]

Ronald Reagan

00:02:45-00:02:49 (3.92 sec)
Well, I'll tell you, wherever he is, I have every confidence in him. [Laughter]

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:02:49-00:02:51 (2 sec)
Very good, Mr. President. We really appreciate your call.

Ronald Reagan

00:02:51-00:03:08 (17.08 sec)
Well, if I could be serious for just a moment, there's someone who isn't there tonight and yet, in a sense, I'm sure in all our hearts is. And I'd like to give the phone to Nancy for a moment to say something, and you'll understand when she does.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:03:08-00:03:09 (1.4 sec)
Thank you.

Nancy Reagan

00:03:09-00:03:27 (17.84 sec)
Hello. I really want to say -- this is a message to Sarah, and Sarah, I hope you're there.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:03:27-00:03:34 (7.48 sec)
And Sarah is here, Mrs. Reagan. I believe she's over at table 45. [Applause]

Nancy Reagan

00:03:34-00:03:36 (1.16 sec)
Oh, good.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:03:36-00:03:50 (14.24 sec)
Sarah Brady is now standing up, Mrs. Reagan. And as you can imagine, she's receiving a very warm round of applause.

Nancy Reagan

00:03:50-00:05:01 (71.04 sec)
Sarah, you remember those days in the hospital when you and I had many conversations. And we both agreed that you and I, from now on, had a bond that was very special and that nobody could ever break. It was just something between you and me that was ours. And I want you to know that you've never left my thoughts and my prayers, and all my love and all my prayers are with you as they always have been.

Nancy Reagan

00:05:01-00:05:06 (4.88 sec)
And I know that both our fellows are going to make it, and I send you and Jim all my love.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:05:06-00:05:10 (3.8 sec)
And we all join you, Mrs. Reagan in those thoughts to the Bradys. [Applause]

Ronald Reagan

00:05:10-00:05:13 (3 sec)
Bob, thank you very much. Could I just say --

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:05:13-00:05:17 (4.32 sec)
Mr. President, the entire room is standing and applauding Sarah Brady.

Ronald Reagan

00:05:17-00:05:20 (2.96 sec)
Well, could I then suggest something?

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:05:20-00:05:28 (8.2 sec)
We're having a little trouble hearing you because the applause is so loud in this room for Sarah and Jim Brady.

Ronald Reagan

00:05:28-00:05:29 (1.28 sec)
All right.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:05:29-00:05:32 (2.44 sec)
I think the President would like to sign off if you'll all be seated.

Ronald Reagan

00:05:32-00:05:58 (26.08 sec)
Yes, I'd like to say just one thing before you sit down, and that is, as long as you're standing, I know how close to all of you is "The Bear," and certainly Nancy said it, there isn't an hour that he isn't in our prayers. Why don't we raise a glass to "The Bear's" health and to Sarah?

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:05:58-00:06:14 (16 sec)
That's certainly a fine idea. Everyone stand, please, and let's raise a glass to "The Bear" and to Sarah. To their good health. We've done it, Mr. President.

Ronald Reagan

00:06:14-00:06:15 (1.56 sec)
Thank you very much.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:06:15-00:06:17 (1.16 sec)
Thank you for calling.

Ronald Reagan

00:06:17-00:06:23 (6.44 sec)
Well, I'm looking forward to the next news conference. I have so many questions to ask you all. [Laughter]

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:06:23-00:06:29 (6.52 sec)
We've got a few for you too. And have a very pleasant weekend, and don't work too hard on that speech for Tuesday night.

Ronald Reagan

00:06:29-00:06:33 (3.56 sec)
All right, and good night and enjoy yourselves. God bless all of you.

Robert C. Pierpoint

00:06:33-00:06:35 (2.44 sec)
Thank you.

Ronald Reagan

00:06:35-00:06:37 (1.04 sec)
Thank you.


00:06:37-00:06:37 (0.92 sec)
[The exchange of remarks began at approximately 8:15 p.m. in the International Ballroom at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Also speaking were Robert C. Pierpoint of CBS News, president, and Clifford Evans of RKO General Broadcasting, incoming president of the White House Correspondents Association.]